Why the Appia 360 Diag
All enabling to peed-up self-awareness and to pave the way for true change
The 360 targets the 3 stages of a businesscareer and their required aptitudes

Business assessment relies on 2 key dimensions :
- Cognitive skills
- Personal qualities and values
On top of which managers and directors are assessed also on their managerial capabilities
Directors are additionally assessed on their business skills

The 360 includes 3 questionnaires to assess managerial and leadership abilities

The 7 business activities hence design a candidate profile around 7 business characters
Knowledge-based Management focuses on knowledge and savoir-faire. It places great importance on past experience and learning. It refers to a Manager who takes a step back, who is calm and firmly grounded in reality.
Idea-based Management focuses on innovation. It is expressed through the dynamics of change and movement. It places emphasis on curiosity and openness to the world. It ensures that the organization is ‘creative’.
Process-based Management focuses on results, figures and the disciplined application of rules and methods. It conveys a commitment to meticulousness and respect for the rules and regulations. It includes a strong ability to anticipate risks.
Link Management focuses on the strength of the group as a whole, on belonging, cohesion and solidarity. It places emphasis on the quality of relations between the actors, promoting solidarity, conviviality, pleasure and the effectiveness of collective intelligence.

Sense-making Management focuses on a shared vision and the defining of an ambitious project. It is associated with the awareness of having a mission to accomplish, a challenge to take up. It favors the ‘why’ and the ‘what for’ rather than the ‘what’ and the ‘how’.
Action-based Management focuses on the ‘field’… on operational situations. It entails significant involvement of the Mana
Influence Management focuses on influential relationships. It prioritizes negotiation and diplomacy. It reflects the Manager’s ability to efficiently and effectively use the various media available.
360 feedback – current process to complete the reports

The standard coaching support: 2 individual sessions